“Please, please help me stop the fighting, I can’t stand it!” Sibling rivalry is competition, jealousy and fighting among brothers and sisters. It is normal but can be a major headache for parents. In our practices, we often get questions from parents about how to manage the conflict between their children. When do I intervene? …Read More
Tag Archives: Family

Divorce is stressful for both parents and children. In large part the stress for parents is wondering how their child will cope with the divorce. The good news is parents can do several things to make the changes easier on kids, leading to better adjustment. Every family is unique, as are the circumstances surrounding separation …Read More

Stepfamilies are a common family structure yet information about what is typical and expected at different stages can be difficult to find. We often work with stepfamilies and find this lack of information contributes to feelings of confusion and discouragement for all family members. Stepfamilies are a common family structure yet information about what is …Read More

By Cary and Tonja Rector Becoming a parent for the first time is amazing. Most parents will tell you it was a pivotal moment, changing them in unexpected ways. While there is lots of information available for expecting or new mothers, information for first-time fathers can be harder to find. This coupled with the fact …Read More

Prepare your relationship to withstand the teen years By Cary and Tonja Rector Mark Twain once said, “When a boy turns 13, seal him in a barrel and feed him through a knot hole. When he turns 16, plug up the hole.” Parenting teenagers is challenging. Adolescence can strain parents’ relationship with their teen …Read More

Kids need to know their holiday manners By Cary and Tonja Rector Here’s the scene: You’re hosting family for the holidays. Parents, siblings, in-laws, aunts and uncles, everyone within a 200-mile radius is gathered in your home. The kids have endured the meal and are eagerly opening gifts. Your son rips into the package …Read More